TSA denies having required a 95-year-old woman to remove diaper – CNN.com.
American police paramilitaries are at it again–this time, they are peeling into 95-year-old women’s diapers instead of children’s, or getting off on raping women [ here, here, and everywhere you look these days].
Predatory voyeurism is integral to the modern police personality, which uses the euphemism “surveillance” to legitimate their unhealthy impulses. Maybe it’s time to police the police, and phone apps might just be the right way to begin that process.
And Citizen Media can help save you from police abuses , says Open Watch, an organization dedicated to using new media to the rampant post 9/11 police corruption.
Like I said before, American police, FBI, etc. want to get into your babies diapers, and they want access to your daughters, but this is a new low, even for the TSA, which is a notoriously invasive agency when it comes to personal privacy.
The TSA can’t find bomb parts, in their complex role in Americas security theater, but they found grandmas pee-stains just fine. Typical cop maneuver–missing the big fish, and muddying the water for a real catch.
The whole TSA invasion of the American body is one of Americas latest attempts to indoctrinate citizens into a two tiered class system wherein privileged people ( the wealthy) can negotiate or outright purchase their privacy right, while commoners must endure full body contact with police types, and daily invasions by police–who seldom police their own kind, or police the wealthy.
Anyone who has ever endured that is familiar with the lingering stench that cop-aftershave leaves in the nostrils, and worse, lingering memories of being fondled by a breed of half-wits who use badges and pistol power instead of intellect to ‘reach out’ and touch others.
After all these heroes are “just doing their job,” right?
When will America get tired of hearing that old trope? If cops did their jobs, we would have a whole lot more cops in jail.
Police hate being watched, and are actively lobbying for exceptions against being photographed or recorded while performing ‘official’ duties–like peeking in old ladies diapers.
So citizens are fighting back against the stacked deck of police power and corruption that falsifies testimony from the start.
CopRecorder, a smart phone app lets you record what cops are up to and then upload your evidence to the internet without giving away the fact that you are recording, because cops routinely obstruct citizen investigation by smashing cameras, deleting images from cameras, and stealing cameras.
And cops hate getting caught in the act, and are developing a paranoia against the apps.
Here is an incredible story of a reverse sting on a typically corrupt cop, wherein a racially profiled Asian male ( a lawyer) used CopRecorder to document police manipulation of evidence.
Photograph the police, record the police, and prosecute the police before its too late. And besides, we all love apps–even grandmas.
Related articles
- TSA Agents Now Making Elderly Women Remove Their Adult Diapers (gizmodo.com.au)
- TSA Makes old Lady Remove Adult Diaper (tipggita32.wordpress.com)
- TSA Makes Old Lady In Wheelchair Remove Diaper (hooglyboogly.co)
- WTF: TSA Has 95-Year-Old Woman Remove Diaper in Florida Pat Down (VIDEO) (blippitt.com)
- Don’t Touch My Junk Part II: TSA Makes 95 Year-Old Woman Remove Adult Diaper (mediaite.com)
- So Much Depends Upon TSA Stripping Travelers of Their Dignity & Diapers (reason.com)