…possibly because their big brother, the CIA, sends them all their leftovers [ and here, and here too]–and their men always get off when they are charged and acquitted for their crimes against humanity.
Fight Rape By the Police Culture
American police, or soldiers, routinely get off on rape charges.
Here is a video that will help you in case you are attacked by the FBI, or other hyper masculine organs.
<object style=”height: 390px; width: 640px”><param name=”movie” value=”http://www.youtube.com/v/UvriHtHHPLA?version=3″><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”><param name=”allowScriptAccess” value=”always”></object>
The FBI is intensely focused on the rhetoric of rape, while ignoring the actual rape culture that creates conditions where rape occurs–like having an police agencies full of hyper-masculinized, but closeted, voyeuristic “do-gooders,” who posit that the country is full of “bad men,” while eagerly covering up their own indiscretions, agency wide.
American police culture has seized on the rhetoric of rape culture, and distorted its intention. The politics of rape culture have even been exported overseas–and the FBI even tried to bribe associates of Julian Assange to lie about him, so that the US can invade his privacy even more.
We all need to fight rape, but first we have to understand how police psychology contributes to a rape culture. It begins with hyper-masculinized social rituals, like policing.
Clint Eastwood—a real bad ass film director, is filming a movie about J.Edgar Hoovers affair with a male colleague . But the Corporation seems to underestimate women, women in the organization, and American women’s culpability in crime.
Maybe hyper-vagina envy is what drives the state organ of the FBI to always gets “their man”—likely because the founder of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, was a drag queen , and would stop at nothing to get “his man”. They are so desperate to prove their little secrets.
And they overcompensate for their engendered organizational biases by creating and maintaining the surveillance society, as if the entire organization has internalized and sublimated a mother that believes it has an inherent and noble right to peek into your dresser drawers.
America’s finest want you to stay distracted with bad Weiners in the mass media, just like they do [here,and here also ], but they want you to think all wieners are bad, FBI gud. That way, all those cunts at the FBI can continue their covert, out-dated back-door plotting and scheming against real Americans.
You don’t hear much about the FBI getting their woman though—or even looking for her–likely because she is working for, or being created by them or their mind bending colleagues at the CIA; she is currently being trained and vetted overseas for importation to the US, as in the case of Iman al-Obeidi, a mouth piece for Americas rape ideology gone wild.
They are just too darn busy chasing down men who don’t suffer from organ inferiority , and when the failure of rape theology–rapeology– doesn’t work to create a boogieman here at home, they create a new war—against two thousand foot tall “cyber-attackers!!!”
First and foremost, America is offering invitation to women from foreign countries whose own country has decided she is a prostitute, or a trouble maker– and her willingness to cry “rape” in propaganda campaigns is the modern equivalent of a passport application to the US, and protection by the state organ of the FBI.
And secondly, the false allegations of rape by American women, combined with FBI and CIA social engineering that hides American culpability in rapes during wartime have cast doubt upon accusations of rape.
Worse, apparently it would just be too darn hard to track down all those rape victims of American soldiers from Viet Nam who now live in the US, so apparently the CIA helped the rape-ideology beleaguered FBI by creating Iman Al-Obeidi.
Of course, Obeidi will probably make her case on “The View,” and CNN–where she will likely have a romantic reunion with Anderson Cooper( after which she will claim she was raped, no doubt), but where are those shows in their commentary about the rights of the tens of thousands of Iraqi women raped by American soldiers?(more American soldiers raping Iraqi’s: 1, 2)
American soldiers tortured and raped young boys, women and men in Iraq. Why is the FBI still silent about it? They are complicit in it, and they don’t want to hear it, because the way propaganda works is that ” a lie will go around the world a thousand times before the truth wakes up…”
The few American soldiers that have been convicted to harsh prison sentences for raping Iraqi women , seems like the tip of an iceberg that the FBI could investigate, but we will never hear those women’s stories on The View, nor will America willingly allow and encourage them to speak to the press, as Obeidi has.
The American war machine is not excited about the prospect of interviewing or investigating the men, boys, and women of Iraq who were raped by American soldiers and never reported it, or the women who were raped and then summarily murdered by American soldiers.
And the FBI, all so eager to ‘penetrate’ and ‘saturate’ the region and gain ‘valuable information ‘about terrorists in the opening days of the wars is surprisingly still silent about American soldiers raping foreign women.
Just look at the occupation of Korea as an example.
Having husbands, brothers, and children killed, or being raped and coerced by an American soldier; and being violated in an American police action is apparently the price women pay to get to America—just ask any Viet Namese, Cambodian, or Korean woman who came here during those wars.
The price of the fare is silence about American police actions and American rapists, once the get here; not at all unlike the price that any woman “trafficked” to America pays.
The FBI is all too eager to talk about “human trafficking” these days, while failing completely to correct its definitional biases against men which creates the appearance of innocence of American women in these heinous crimes perpetrated overseas.
It makes a laughing stock out of the stories that victims of American wars have to tell. These stories—tens of thousands of them–wouldn’t make US look good, not least of which is because in Arabic countries, merely touching a woman who doesn’t consent is defined as rape, just like it is here in America–much less the rape of their sons.
The difference is that men in America are prosecuted even if the rape charges are false, because the FBI has been flying the false flag of rapeology for years now, and even false convictions drive statistics up, which is good for a state organ that seeks to create the appearance that they are Uber-necessary.
They fed the American woman rape biscuits for the last several decades, and forgot to mention how women can be rapists too; failed to pursue or prosecute false rape accusers, and defined rape so narrowly that only men could be prosecuted–as Salon.com points out.
Perhaps that is because the women of America are Uber-special, like Obeidi: they are, or they are willing to, work within the parameter of a police state engendered paradigm of hypocritical, hyper-selective “justice”.
Perhaps that is due to the fact that the kind of women that America wants to represent aren’t really women at all, but rather they are the Freudian psycopathic “other-halves” to American “strongmen” in an endless cycle of war and death directed at families overseas.
That perverse organizational view destroys alternative lifestyles in America and encourages false rape allegations by women–as long as they scream out loud, and adhere to the FBI’s male dominated and dominating definitions of rape they are good allies for the FBI domestic war machine, that wages domestic violence on the American people.
Conformity requires that male dominated organizations can form, and then rely on stereotypical visions of women that uphold the violence that those organized men are willing to perpetrate.
The FBI is a propaganda organ that relies on the lie, the half truth, and the manipulation of that truth–and has steadfastly refused to investigate the fact that its version of reality causes much of the suffering abroad, while it wages domestic violence here at home.
They are your Narcissistic, psychotic leaders*, invading peoples privacy, while espousing noble-sounding rapeology in their toolkit of social control
Related articles
- FBI Ramping Up Cyber-Attack Defense (informationweek.com)
- Rape in Libya: The Crime That Dare Not Speak Its Name (time.com)
- Time for Robert Mueller to move on (politico.com)
- A Joke About the CIA, FBI and KGB (vgiordano.wordpress.com)
- 25% of US Hackers Are FBI/CIA Informers (it.slashdot.org)
- Gang rape 6/6/2011 (sleepingbeautyslavery.wordpress.com)
- Julian Assange Says The FBI Tried To Bribe WikiLeaks (businessinsider.com)
- Should the FBI Redefine Rape? (alternet.org)